Hur väl stämmer slagfältsscenerna i historiska äventyrsfilmer med verkligheten? En historiker från Oxford analyserar några stridsscener från filmer som till exempel 300, Troja och Sagan om de två tornen.
Ancient Warfare Expert Rates 10 Battle Tactics In Movies And TV | How Real Is It?
Stridsscener i film kontra verkligheten
Stridsscener i film kontra verkligheten
Senast redigerad av 1 Jerrark, redigerad totalt 9 gånger.
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Ancient-Warfare Expert Rates 10 More Battle Tactics In Movies And TV | How Real Is It?
Ancient-Warfare Expert Rates 10 More Battle Tactics In Movies And TV | How Real Is It?
Senast redigerad av 2 Jerrark, redigerad totalt 9 gång.
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Ytterligare stridsscener analyseras av samme expert
Ancient-Warfare Historian Rates 10 More Battle Scenes In Movies And TV | How Real Is It?He rates 10 battle scenes in movies and television for realism. He discusses the accuracy of ancient-warfare battle scenes from "The Northman" (2022), starring Alexander Skarsgård; penning enemies in "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" (2022); and swords and buckles in "House of the Dragon" (2022), featuring Matt Smith. He also comments on "The Last Duel" (2021), with Matt Damon and Adam Driver; bolt artillery in "The Wheel of Time" (2021), featuring Rosamund Pike; bow and arrow precision in "Robin Hood" (2010), starring Russell Crowe; and walls of flame in "Barbarians" (2020). Konijnendijk analyzes the chariot tactics displayed in "The Eagle" (2011), starring Channing Tatum; pavises in "Knightfall" (2019); and ditches in "The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc" (1999).